Lost Season 6 Episode - Lighthouse


Random Thoughts:

I had a theory before this episode that the cave in the last episode, The Substitute, was not Jacob's cave. I believed that it was New Locke's cave and that both he and Jacob had their own lists of possible candidates to take over for them. I believed that this episode, Lighthouse, was going to show us Jacob's list and Shephard wouldn't be on it. I was wrong. So, this leaves me with the same question I had before - if Shephard is on both the list and the sundial in the lighthouse, why in season three do they clearly state that, "Jack isn't even on Jacob's list." Then who is this Shephard? Did the Others have false information? If so, why were they lied to?

Jack breaking the mirrors in the lighthouse really annoyed me. I would have had to seen what was in the mirrors at 108 degrees ( 108 is the sum of 4,8,15,16,23,42). The 108th name on the sundial said WALLACE and was scratched out.

The mirrors on the sundial appeared to show the church where Jacob touched Sawyer before Jack seen his house.

Claire's character has definitely transformed. She comes across as even more ruthless than Rousseau was. It makes me wonder if Sayid's character will change to this extent. Because Sayid wasn't a little innocent girl like Claire was, he was a dangerous man from the get go and the infection could show what he is really capable of. I had high hopes for Sayid's character, but I feel it's just going to end badly for him now.

In the off the island timeline Jack is a father, but the mother of his child is never revealed. Could it be his first wife? Kate? Juliet?

Off The Island Recap:

Jack has the scar still from his appendix being removed. His mother says it was taken out when he was around six or seven. She asks Jack, "Don't you remember? They wouldn't let your father remove it." Jack says he remembers but comes across as doubtful.

He then goes pick up his son, David, from school. I'm not the best judge of age but I'd say he is around 12 years old give or take. They apparently see one another about as much as they speak, which is not often. Jack goes off to his mother's house to help her look for his father's will. When she finally locates it, she does a quick glance and asks Jack if he knows Claire.

Once Jack returns home he can't find David. He heads to David's mother's house to check there, but only finds a voice message confirming a seven pm audition. Jack goes to the audition and walks in on his son playing the piano and is amazed by his talent. A young kid tells Jack, "your son is very good." This kid is with none other than Dogen. Jack and Dogen say a few words to one another but it seems meaningless.

After the audition Jack tells David he didn't know he was still playing. David said he had asked his mother to keep it a secret from Jack because basically he was worried if he didn't do well Jack would think he was a failure. Jack lets him know that would never be the case and it pretty much wrapped up the off the island part of the show.

On The Island Recap:

Jacob appears to Hurley with instructions to take Jack to the Lighthouse. They must go there and turn this sundial to 108 degrees. Jacob tells Hurley he has to do this because someone is coming to the island and he needs him to make sure they can find it.

Dogen finds Hurley wandering around the temple, looking for the secret passage Jacob told him about, and tells him he shouldn't be here to go to the courtyard. Jacob appears to Hurley again and tells him to tell Dogen that he is a candidate and he can do what he wants. Dogen obviously angered once Hurley says this but he leaves and lets Hurley do as he pleases. Jacob tells Hurley that he can't go at it alone and must go get Jack. In order to get Jack to go to the lighthouse Jacob gives Hurley a message to tell Jack, "He has what it takes."

Meanwhile, of the two Others Claire had shot last episode one is still alive. She takes Jin and the Other to her hut. There she doctors Jin's wounds up and keeps the Other prisoner. She tells Jin that a friend and her father said the Others took her baby. She slams an axe in the chest of the Other killing him because he gives her no information on the baby's whereabouts. Then her friend shows up shortly afterwards and it turns out
to be New Locke.

At the Lighthouse Hurley begins to move the sundial to 108 degrees. As Jack watches he notices something in the mirror. Then he looks closer and sees people names near each number on the sundial, his included. He is number 23 and rushes to move the dial to his number. When he gets the dial on his number he looks in the mirrors and sees the house he grew up in. Realizing he has been watched throughout his life he gets angry and breaks the mirrors.

Finally, Jack sits on the rocks and stares out into the ocean. Jacob appears back to Hurley and basically said he needed Jack to see the mirror to know he is on the island for a reason. He can't tell Jack what that reason is, he has to figure it out on his own. Additionally, Jacob said he had to get Hurley as far from the temple as possible because someone bad is going there.

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